Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Next Week's Training Information

Lori Leifson has scheduled an individual to be our motivational speaker for next Monday's training meeting (8/30/2004). She has provided the following information about the speak and the topic.

The guy that I am going to have come to the Monday NRmeeting as a speaker presents on this book - CrucialConversations. I'm forwarding this email as an FYI -please forward it to anyone you think may beinterested in the info.
Thanks!Lori--- Joseph Grenny <support@vitalsmarts.com> wrote:
> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:58:56 -0700 (PDT)> From: Joseph Grenny <support@vitalsmarts.com>> To: llfoundations@yahoo.com> Subject: New Book: Never walk away from another> conflict again>
Dear Lori:
I'm Joseph Grenny, co-author of Crucial Conversations:Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. If youprospered because of the ground-breaking thinkingintroduced in Crucial Conversations, then you'll reapgreat rewards by reading our newest book, CrucialConfrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises,Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior (McGraw-Hill2004).

Why you? See if any of these situations soundfamiliar?

An employee speaks to you in an insulting tone thatcrosses the line between sarcasm and insubordination.Now what? Your son walks through the door sporting colorfulnew body art that raises your blood pressure by fortypoints. Speak now, pay later. You worry about what to say to an abusive boss. Youquickly remember "how things work around here" anddecide not to say anything.

Beginning September 15th of this year, CrucialConfrontations will tackle the problems that routinelyplague organizations and families. You'll learn todeal with individuals who are either unwilling orunable to deal with failed promises. You'll acquirevaluable skills for working with individuals who havebroken rules, missed deadlines, failed to live up tocommitments, or just plain behaved badly. You'll stepaway from the crowd that never steps up to the issueor that watches accountability suffer and new problemsspring up.

Exclusive Offer-Reserve Your Copy today and Save 36%off the Cover Price
Until September 15, 2004, reserve your copy andreceive a substantial discount of 36% off the retailprice of $16.95. You'll pay only $10.85 per book. Bulkorders are welcomed (at this price, you'll want to getone for every member of your department, organization,or family!). Simply visitwww.crucialconfrontations.com/ns now to order.

Plus, join me for a FREE one-hour web seminar onCrucial Confrontations that I'll present August 26that 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (10:00 a.m. Pacific, 11:00a.m. Mountain, and 12:00 noon Central). I'll discussthe basic principles outlined in the book formastering crucial confrontations and then respond toas many questions as I can. To register, just
click here.

How Do The Books Differ?
Just two years ago, Crucial Conversations introducedhundreds of thousands of people to skills foreffectively dealing with disagreement-where differingopinions backed by strong emotions send most of usrunning for silence or violence.

Now, Crucial Confrontations expands this foundationwith breakthrough skills for handlingdisappointment-the prickly, complicated, and oftenfrightening confrontations that keep us up at night,but shouldn't. Crucial Confrontations teaches you howto deal with violated expectations in a way thatsolves the problem at hand, and doesn't harm therelationship-and in fact, even strengthens it.

Find out for yourself why Tom Peters, management guruand author of Re-imagine!, recently said, "Hey, if youread only one 'management' book.this decade.I'd insistthat it be Crucial Confrontations."

When you learn how to step up to and master crucialconfrontations, everything gets better!


Joseph Grenny, author

P.S. Don't miss this opportunity to save 36% off thecover price
The offer will expire September 15, 2004, so orderyour advance copies of Crucial Confrontations foryourself, your friends, and your associates now. Visit www.crucialconfrontations.com/ns to pay only$10.85 each! A detailed description of the book(contents, chapter 1, and advanced reviews) isavailable there as well.

P.S.S. Plan to participate in the CrucialConfrontations web seminar August 26th
It's FREE, and you can listen, learn and ask questionsfrom the comfort of your home or office. I'll beginat 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (10:00 a.m. Pacific, 11:00a.m. Mountain, and 12:00 noon Central) so please joinme for a fun and informative hour. Click here toregister.


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