Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Pam -
Read a book called "Spin Selling". The book is a study of what has constituted a succesful sell vs unsuccesfful. He has divded it up into two different types. Lowerend, larger end.
When we are making a call on a prospect and just tell them all the advantages ands pecifics of our product, this is successful on lower-end items.

When you go into the higher end stuff...Preliminaries
Find out what their situation is
Then develop needs that go with their situation
Get them to verbalize their needs - if they don't verbalize, you lose it. NEADS. Ask what they now own. What do they enjoy about what they own. What would they alter about what they own. Are there other decision makers in the process. We show them how we reach their solutions.
Demonstrate the capability of hte product to find solutions to their problems
Obtain committment

What is a succesful contact? Advance vs. Continuation - we don't want to be put off just because they don't want to deal with you. Get their concern. "Level with me..."
Must obtain some type of commitment to the next step.

If we want to maintain a reslationship after the closuring. If we do a hard sale, it will lessen the chance of them coming in.

Four actions to obtain commitment
1. Give attention to investigating and demonstrating capability. They have to see a need for what I offer. So they realize that they have an urgent need to buy.
2. Cover key concerns. As the point of commitment nears, ask if they have any concerns before you bring up the commitment. "Is there any reason you wouldn't want to do this now, or today?" or say, "I think that about covers everything, but before we go any further are there any reasons that I haven't covered in enough detail any questions you may have?"
3. Summarize the benefits - pull together the key points especially the benefits before moving to the commitment. STAR - use a phrase that covers all these points. Saying these are benefits you can enjoy.
4. Propose a commitment - Suggest a course of action, rather than saying, where would you come in at? Asess their situation and tell them how they would most be benefitted by your product. Do not put beyond their acheivable limits.

Jason Record -
In the follow up: Meets with them. Talk to them about their needs and what they want to accomplish. Basically what is preventing you from getting started right now. are you ready to get started? Addresses their concerns. If not, closes them right there.
Asks them about real estate - any questions about it?
Should have given them some information to look over. Have they done their homework. Read the brochures, looked at the site.
Do you have any questions about the products.
What intersts you the most, the marketing, the real estate or both.
three questions - How we make money. How quickly it takes to make the money. Where do we get the money.
How we make the money is the compenstation plan
How quickly is the T close
Where to get the money - talk about their resources. Do you have a car, a home, equity line of credit, credit cards, a second mortgage Key-Lock (Home equity line of credit) lowest interest, W-2. If they have lots of money problems, say, what is your next step with Nouveau Riche. Commit them to come to meetings and to bring people to the meetings.


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