tentative schedule for team meetings
RS : Real Estate Training
M : Marketing training
This is subject to change. Pam was not at the meeting, but rumor has it she was able to get a property manager to come for next monday??
October 4 RS – Pam's Property Manager Contact??
11 M - John Andersen
18 RS – Royce Monson
25 M - Jason Butterfield
November 1 RS -Lori McDonald
8 M - Jake Andersen
15 RS - ???
22 M - ???
29 RS - ???
December 6 M - ???
Open Slot in Orem Nouveau Riche Office
Opening up in the office – 65 dollars a month – security card and key to the office. Access to the internet and conference rooms. 480W 800N Orem. Call Dave Welch – 427-4549.
Park City condos
Lori McDonald – 801-450-9038 – Lori has access to some Condos in Park City 100k+ for any interested investors.
A recommended Accountant for Real Estate
Lori McDonald recommends
Barbara Iwaniec from Preferred Accounting, Inc.
801-365-0945 - 13th E 6774 South.
She has experience in setting up Real estate entities.
She is Inexpensive.
Great for the starting investor.